Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thankful reminders

These past few weeks have been a rocky road around here.  Lots of serious decisions to make and a few trials to face.  We have some very serious family issues going on and a lot of life changes may be coming our way, whether we choose them or not.  I know the bible tells me to take joy when trials of many kind appear (James 1:2) , I know that trials are refining and they make me a better person and bring me closer to God in the end, but sometimes it's hard to not just wish for some peace and quite.  For a night with no decisions or controversy to face.  A mindless night of t.v. on the couch, maybe.  I feel like I haven't had this since September.  This is merely a season and I know that God will see us through.  He has never let us down and we will trust Him completely in all areas of our lives. This I know.  

Meanwhile, I am so thankful for such a wonderful guy to face life's trials with.  I'm so very blessed just by his humble attitude through all of this.  At the end of the night, when I tuck my kids into bed and we all pray together and read stories, I look around and I know what is truly important.  God has given me so much.  Every other concern or worry is nothing in the reality of what we have together.  My family is priceless.  

I'm so thankful for little reminders of the big picture.  This too shall pass.  Who I am on the other side will be different, sure, but in good ways :).  God's got a plan for the Martins.

I really question whether or not to put the "hard times" on here, but in the end i've decided that this is my family blog and I want to remember these days and this season.  I want to remember how God provided for us.  Also, I want to be honest and not come off like all is butterflies and roses all of the time.  It's just not.  I love reading blogs that are real and share very real hurts and truths for moms, wives and families. It is encouraging and uplifting to know that you are not the only one walking through certain things.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

1,2,3,4, FIVE!!! {Jude's B'day}

We had a little shindig to celebrate at Krispy Kreme Doughnut shop this year.  It was his venue of choice and we invited our little neighbor friends to help us celebrate the big day.

Easiest cake ever

 Plenty of milk for all the kiddos.  

Rhett decorating his donut

Lots of sprinkles for the Birthday boy!  

Krispy Kreme was so wonderful and helpful!  They allowed us to use the kid's corner in the shop for our party and took all 13 kids on a tour of the factory.  The kids got to see the donut making process and touch and feel a lot of the ingredients and the dough.  At the end they got to decorate a donut that they watched get dipped in chocolate.  It was pretty cool...and disgusting.  I may never eat a donut again:). 

My Jude is FIVE, an entire hand of fingers...sigh.  I really can't believe how fast the time has gone by.  He is so big for his britches, so smart and such a handsome little fellow.  He is caring, compassionate, inquisitive and silly.  He is perfect just the way he is and I wouldn't change a thing about him.  I love his quirky personality and that he is very particular about certain things.  His sticktoitiveness will take him far in this life and I'm so very thankful that God gave him to me!

Jude got his gifts from Dallas and I on his actual Birthday.  He desperately wanted some running shoes like Dallas's (you know, because Dallas is the runner around here). We gave him some, and you would never believe how excited he was about these shoes.  I didn't even realize the colors were the same as dad's when I bought them, but Jude was stoked.  I couldn't help but smile and laugh a little when I went into my closet that night to get ready for bed.  This is what I found...

Jude's new shoes nestled right next to Dallas's in our closet.  So sweet.  Love that boy!  

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Heart Update

On Tuesday we went to the cardiologist for the 3 month echocardiogram and ekg of Rhett's heart. According to the doctor, "we could not have asked for a better report."  The leakage in his mitral valve is now in the trivial-mild category. Back in September it was severe, in October it went from severe to mild (bypassing 3 categories all together...mild-moderate, moderate, moderate to severe), and now it is below mild at trivial-mild.  Trivial and then completely normal are all that is left on the scale!  

We are rejoicing in knowing that God has touched Rhett and that He will be faithful to complete His work in him!  

Thanks so much for all of the prayer! We truly and deeply cherish every single one.  

I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb.  Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."  Jeremiah 1:5